VMP aims to spread the word of God to the pastoralist communities as the community is also empowered through livestock intervention programs. Our other objectives are to organize and carry out vaccination programs to vaccinate against common livestock diseases, offer treatment to sick animals and carry out control programs, to train livestock keepers on proper animal husbandry and to train them in modern farming techniques and assist them to acquire managerial skills.
When we plan for missions, we get in touch with the local churches, church leaders and community leaders. Having worked for the government, Dr. Mandieka is able to get contacts with local veterinary office and veterinarians in the community to help with the logistics. We treat animals, do vaccination programs and teach on animal welfare. Alongside that, we also preach one on one, preach in the local churches and also hold crusades. For the new converts, we forward them to the church for discipline and follow up.
We also partner with churches and mission groups as we are mandated to focus on veterinary mission camps as the others reach out through other outreach programs such as medical, with the children, the youth and even life skills training programs. Our mission days are usually 3-6 days camping in the respective community.
Our primary focus is on the pastoralist communities in Kenya especially where the gospel has not penetrated. We have so far worked in Narok, kathonzweni, Isiolo with the Maasai, Samburu communities.
The challenge we face is funding, where most funds are from friends and personal donations which may be limiting.
Our future hope is to be able to continue furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ to the communities through the veterinary profession and partnering with other Christian veterinarians. We also intend to organize more outreach veterinary camps. Also, to be a self-sustaining organization with necessary facilities to operate optimally with permanent staffs. We also hope to be able to support both short term and long term missions’ especially in the unreached communities. Our desire is also, to be able to create networks with other regional organizations with similar goals, and possibly develop a CVM- Africa with time.