Kinna Mission in Eastern Kenya
Our team traveled all day Monday arriving safely late that night. On Tuesday we met with Mohammed Dabaso our lead Livestock officer in Kinna, who took us to meet the chief and several other important elders around town.The rest of the day we visited the other sites, announcing our presence and planning for the next few days.
On Wednesday we all met around the Kinna Livestock Sales Yard from where we planned to vaccinate the animals. We used three local livestock officers in addition to Mohammed and worked from the base site. We met many people and found them receptive and pleased with our work. The majority of the animals were subsequently vaccinated for sheep and goat pox. The animals vaccinated were 1,197 belonging to 30 different families. In addition we treated 183 with dewormers, and or antibiotics for various cases. Total cases for the day were 1,380 animals.
On Thursday we traveled to Rapsu, a village about 10 kilometers from Kinna that has an irrigation project in the area. The town is situated directly across from the Meru National park. The most significant problem that emerged was over grown hoofs and a report of 3 or more recent abortions. In total we vaccinated and treated 275 sheep and goats, the majority of which were Toggenburg dairy goats from a World Vision project. The total amount of people interactions was significant in the area as it was the town center. However the animals arrived in small groups of less than five per person. We were also able to support a poultry project with vitamins and disinfectant.
On Friday we headed to two sites in a central watering area for the surrounding community. The place is called Moliti shallow wells and has capacity for many livestock with 3,000 or more animals in the surrounding area brought to drink at any given time. After treating and vaccinating the animals that were around, we moved to another nearby site to find many waiting for vaccination. Total we treated and vaccinated 3,120 animals.
We had opportunity to sit with the elders of the community and discuss as well as take tea with others from neighboring homes bringing closure until the next opportunity to minister there. On Saturday we traveled back safely to Nairobi and Nakuru and we praise God for all that we were able to accomplish.
September 23 - 29th 2012
Kinna, Moliti, Rapsu locations
Partners: SIM Somali and Borana Outreach, Abdi Walalo.
Participants: Dr. Kathy Dunaway-Knight, Dr. Josiah Mandieka, Dr. Troy Sammons