Mosiro Mission July 2015

Vet Mission team with pastoralist community in Mosiro, Narok


We thank God for bringing together the following missioners to work together in His vineyard:

  1. Three veterinary students from the VMP student fellowship at the University of Nairobi namely: Philip Wanyama, Lydia Wanjiru and Harriet Obela.
  2. Two veterinary students from Virginia –USA, representative of the affiliate group Christian Veterinary Mission namely: Taylor Scott and Tracy Perdew.
  3. Host team namely: Bishop William Teeka, Pastor S Amos and Pastor Daniel
  4. VMP Executive Team namely: Dr. John Mwangi, Dr. Ezra Saitoti, Dr. Mandieka Josiah, Dr. Troy Sammons and Mburu Joseph.
  5. Hosting Manyatta families and kitchen cooking team.

Veterinarians with a Mission Program (VMP) team, in partnership with the Christian Veterinary Mission –USA (CVMUSA), the Narok County Veterinary Office organized a mission in Mosiro through the local Evangelical churches that took place from 21st to 28th July 2015.


Animal Health

The aim for the mission was to proclaim and share with the Mosiro people the love of God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The strategy was to use the veterinary knowledge and skills to treat the available animals (mainly sheep and goats and a few dogs), while sharing the Gospel of Salvation to the Maasai livestock farmers.

The main animal health undertaken was a free vaccination against CCPP and PPR and deworming of the animals. Vaccinations and deworming were done for three days, on three different sites.

The effort of Pastor Amos and the local area leaders in putting up the crushes before the start of the mission and mobilizing the pastoral farmers to bring their animals early in the morning was much. A total of 8700 sheep and goats were vaccinated and dewormed during the mission against a target of 10000 animals.


An important Scripture which guided the missioners was Jonah 4:11. God is concerned about the wellbeing His people and their livestock.

We thank God for the many opportunities that He provided to the missioners to share out the Word of God and show the love of Christ to the Maasai people during the entire period of the mission. Sharing of the Word was done each day in the morning and before the start of animal treatment to the herders, children and the Morans who came, after which an altar call and prayer was made. It was our belief that the ‘seed’ was planted and the local pastors were left to make follow-up on those with interest to be saved or to know more about salvation.

During the treatment sessions, the missioners held one-on- on evangelism with the local people, whenever there was opportunity. During the evening there was a Jesus Film show and many members of the local community turned-up to hear the word of God through film. This was done on three different sites and was an instrumental part of evangelizing to the Mosiro people.

On Saturday the missioners visited the Manyattas to develop relationships and strengthen bonds with the community. It turned out to be an overwhelming day as a number of the people received Jesus Christ and more people were receptive of the word of God.


After the Sunday service some the missioners went back to Nairobi, while others left for Maasai Mara Game reserve for a game drive on Monday and as an opportunity to appreciate God’s creation.

The VMP Executive Team sincerely wish to thank all those who took part in the mission, i.e. actively offering your time to serve God, sending your finances and veterinary material, and/or praying for the mission. It was your support that made the mission such a success.

We also wish to thank the local authorities for the help accorded to us and also for allowing us to operate in their area of jurisdiction.

May the Almighty God bless you and may His favor follow you and your household all the days of your life. AMEN.


The Missioners held regular fellowship meetings in the afternoon, each day. Different missioners were assigned to give a meditation from the Word followed with prayers. This kept the missioners encouraged and strengthened in their journey of faith and during the mission.

Church Service

On Sunday a Church service crowned it all with a powerful service under a tree. It was really reassuring that God was present. The community members present listened attentively to the different speakers, giving testimonies and rejoicing to God when it was a time of praise to God.

Through these activities an unknown number of seeds were planted in the souls of the Maasai pastoral farmers present and Eternity will reveal their numbers.