Mosiro Mission August 2016
We thank God for the successful 2016 Veterinary Outreach Mosiro Mission in Narok County. Mosiro Township is located about 45 km SE from Ntulele town-ship, along the Mai Mahiu-Narok town tarmac road and three kilometers to the border of Kajiado County. The mission site was considered needy because of its remote location within Narok County. It lacks basic social amenities including water, veterinary services, mobile phone network and passable roads.
Mission Area
The Mission team of about 20 missioners left Nairobi at 11am and arrived at the mission camping site at 4pm. After the warm welcome from our host with hot tea, dances and songs from the choir the camp was set up in readiness for the next three days of work.
The 2016 Veterinary Outreach Mission was a follow-up of a similar one previously done in the same area in the year 2015. During that time there was no church, but there is now a church and running under the leadership of Pastor Amos Tanin, who was ordained during the mission to be a Revered.
Mosiro KAG Church
The team was hosted at Oloshaiki village a few meters from the church grounds and worked alongside local area pastors and elders. The Mission Team was invited and privileged to preach during the first Service in the church after Rev. Amos was ordained.
Veterinary work
Animals handled and treated included calves, few cows, sheep and goats.
Mariani and Enkishoni villages
9,289 animals were treated.
10,402 animals were treated.
Oloikumkum and Orosheiki villages
1,140 animals were treated.
Total number of animals treated were 20,731
i. Evangelism
Sharing the word of God and His love to the people was our primary purpose for the mission. Every opportunity available was utilized to reach out to the people. For three days and early in the morning before treatment of the animals, the word of God was shared by one of the missioners. The word of God was shared with the animal herders and owners (including small children, girls, old men and Morans). Many of the people prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
On other occasions while the animal treatment was in progress, any of the missioners free conducted one-on-one sharing of the Gospel with the locals took place, though the language barrier was a challenge. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the interpreters about 80 souls turned for Christ and more than 300 persons were exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
On Sunday 14th August, the missioners and the Maasai community gathered for a worship service at the newly built church with assistance from VMP. Unfortunately the Church was not enough and the service had to be conducted at the former church site “under a tree”.
It was a wonderful time for the local community and the missioners as we all celebrated the ordination of the first pastor of the new church, Reverend Amos Tanin.
ii. Veterinary work
Animal treatment was done on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Animals handled included calves, few cows, sheep and goats. Treatment done was involved sheep and goat pox vaccination, oral deworming with albendazole and Ivermectin injection.
Day One
After breakfast and morning prayers the missioners travelled to the treatment sites. The team was split into two groups for the vet work to Mariani and Enkishoni villages where a total of 9,289 animals were treated.
Day two
After breakfast and morning prayers the team went to Oldorko, where by God’s Grace a total of 10,402 animals were treated.
Day three
This was an exciting day for the community and all of us since it was the Ordination and also home graduation day for Pastor Amos. Animal treatment was done at Oloikumkum and Orosheiki villages during the morning hours. There were only 1,140 animals brought forth on this day and were treated as they came in.
The numbers of animals treated altogether were 20,731 animals.
Our strengths
♦ With the Mission team coming from the diverse cultural background, but with similar faith in Christ, it was such a wonderful time sharing amongst the missioners and bonding was easy and fast.
♦ Field activities were such an experience in interacting with the community and sharing.
♦ The difference in age and experience in the field of veterinary and mission was also a plus for the team.
♦ We had a language challenge in communicating to some of the missioners coming from the French speaking nations, but God provided ready and able interpreters and the work proceeded well.
Prayer items
It will be important if we keep the following items arising from the mission experience in our prayers:
♦ Pray for the just planted church at Mosiro to take root and grow into what the Lord wants it to be.
♦ Pray for the brothers and sisters that gave their lives to Christ for continued desire to know about the Savior and do His will at all time.
♦ Pray for continued peace amongst the inhabitant of the region and endowment of healthy livestock.
Team of missioners that volunteered for the mission:
Dr. Gina Wintermantel, Dr. Wendell Cantrell and Dr. Rachel Hershberger
Dr. JosueAkowanou and BessanviJeandel
Dr. Gbenga Idowu and Prof. Tayo Babalobi
Democratic Republic of Congo
Jean-Marie Lubuzibwa and Dr. Daudet Byakya
Dr. Osei Dominic and Dr. Rebecca Kenyin
Dr. Perfecto B. Kabansha
Dr. Josiah Mandieka, Dr. John Mwangi, Dr. Ezra Saitoti, Mburu Joseph, Dr. Ibrahim Kariuki and Daniel Ole Nkoitoi
Vet students:
Mary Muthoni, Elizabeth Muthoni and Jessica Kurere
Elijah Kairu, Joseph and Kanyi.
We thank God for having taken us through this mission without any major hitches and brought all the missioners back to their respective places of residence and work
We also thank all the missioners for taking time off their schedules and availing themselves to minister during the mission time, to all who supported the mission, be it through prayers, products and financially. Without your help it would have been difficulty to organize such a successful mission.