The Veterinarians with a Mission (VMP), held a Veterinary-outreach mission in Mosiro area in Narok County, from 21st to 28th July 2015. The mission area was selected through the initiative and network of Dr. Ezra Saitoti who practices in the area. He undertook two pre-mission visit to the area and produced a report on what was in place in preparation for the mission.
Mosiro is located about 45 km SE from Ntulele town-ship, along the Mai Mahiu-Narok town tarmac road and three kilometers to the border of Kajiado County.The area is remotely situated and lacks basic social amenities including mobile phone network or church structures.
The mission was organized in partnership with the Bishop of Trans-Mara Kenya Assemblies of God churches and Narok pastors assigned to Mosiro area. The mission was also supported by the Christian Veterinary Mission-USA (CVM-USA) who sent two veterinary students, a few Kenyan Christian veterinarians and by undergraduate Veterinary students from Kabete campus.
The VMP mission gave the university undergraduate veterinary students first-hand experience in the field and handling of animals with less specialized crushes, harsh environment and working conditions.
We kindly request you to stand with us and support the mission in any way available to you such as donating veterinary vaccines and drugs or cash towards this noble task. You can also support by praying for the mission.You can send your donations through Dr. Ezra Saitoti (0720458785), the VMP treasurer, or send cash directly to the VMP Barclays Bank Account No 2023350141 Karen branch or by Mpesa to 0720458785.
You are also encouraged to join and become a member of VMP by contacting Joseph Mburu (0719 207 497) and paying Ksh. 1,000.00 registration fee, which is renewable annually. You can pay directly to the VMP Bank Account indicated above or pay by Mpesa through Dr. Ezra Saitoti (0720458785).May the Lord bless you as you plan to support and join hands in the great commission that Jesus charged us before He left the earth (Matthew 28:18-20).
God bless.
Hallo, Brethren,
I praise and thank God for yet another opportunity to connect with you. I hope and trust that you and your family are well in the Lord
Sorry that you missed the VMP breakfast meeting on the 30th of May, a lot was discussed concerning the progress of the organization, the participants and the up-coming mission to Mosiro Narok.
It was agreed that the vets willing to become registered member of VMP should do so by filling their details with Joseph (0719 207 497) and paying Ksh 1,000 registration fee renewable annually which can be deposited to the bank or with Dr. Ezra Saitoti 0720458785 the VMP treasurer.